(718) 589-2230
Serving the community since 1934.



Casita Maria office hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm. At this time, the Casita Maria Gallery is open by appointment only during office hours.

Please email marketing@casitamaria.org to make an appointment.

In 2024, we will be closed on the following days:

  • New Years Day (observed) – Monday, January 1st 
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Monday, January 15th
  • President’s Day – Monday, February 19th
  • Good Friday – Friday, March 29th
  • Memorial Day – Monday, May 27th
  • Juneteenth - Wednesday, June 19th
  • Independence Day – Thursday, July 4th
  • Labor Day – Monday, September 2nd
  • Columbus Day (Indigenous Peoples Day) – Monday, October 14th
  • Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 28th
  • Day after Thanksgiving – Friday, November 29th
  • Wellness Week - Wednesday, December 25 - Wednesday, January 1

Contact Us

If possible, please email the department you are trying to get in touch with rather than calling. Emails generally have a faster response time than phone calls. Thank you.

Community Outreach and Family Engagement/Parent Coordinator: Nairobi Cordero, ncordero@casitamaria.org EXT. 6202
Elementary Education Programs: elementary@casitamaria.org / EXT. 6054
Middle School Education Programs: middleschool@casitamaria.org / EXT. 6217

Executive Office: furrutia@casitamaria.org / EXT. 6200
Human Resources and Operations: HR@casitamaria.org / EXT. 6218
Finance: calcid@casitamaria.org / EXT. 6208
Development: development@casitamaria.org / EXT. 6209

Arts Programs: eochoa@casitamaria.org / EXT. 6220
Marketing and Communications: marketing@casitamaria.org 


Plan Your Visit

By Subway
  • 2 or 5 train to Simpson Street
  • 6 train to Hunts Point Avenue

By Car from Manhattan
  1. Take the FDR North
  2. Take Exit 18 to the Willis Ave. Bridge toward I87/Major Deegan Expy
  3. Merge onto the Willis Ave. Bridge
  4. Slight right at Willis Ave.
  5. Turn right at Bruckner Blvd, follow the Bruckner (underneath the expressway) about 1.6 miles
  6. Turn left at Longwood Avenue.
  7. Turn right onto Fox Street (second street, just after Southern Blvd)
  8. Casita Maria will be on your right, just after Fox Street (Fox turns into Simpson St)


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